Community Spotlight: Beyond Board – The Organization That’s Reinventing Recruiting Through Community

We’re proud to be working with Beyond Board, an influential organization dedicated to revolutionizing executive leadership and enhancing executive and board director recruitment. At Networked, we’re passionate about leveraging technology to strengthen communities, and our collaboration with Beyond Board showcases this dedication.

Introducing Beyond Board

There’s a growing need for diversity in boardrooms, and Beyond Board is leading the way. As guidelines get stricter and companies look for new ways to find talent, their approach is exactly what’s required. Even the prestigious Harvard Business Review has taken notice of what they’re doing.

Beyond Board’s mission is clear: to redefine recruitment through the power of community, by bringing more diversity to boards and executive leadership.

They operate on a simple equation: curation + content + community equals transformation.

Beyond Board thoughtfully designs valuable executive learning and networking experiences, while serving as a trusted recruitment resource for mid-size to large corporations with C-Suite executive and board member placements.

For those who are interested in becoming part of Beyond Board – a highly curated and exclusive community of board members and board eligible executives – you can request to join here.

How Networked Is Supporting Their Vision?

To bring their community to life online, Networked provides Beyond Board with purposeful networking technology, both via the web and native mobile apps. This enables members of Beyond Board to actively engage in conversations, breaking down geographical barriers.

Networked also offers a suite of tools that Beyond Board is leveraging. For example, the virtual networking from the directory allows members to see who else is in the community and reach out directly, media library for reviewing past virtual and in-person events, upcoming event postings to keep everyone informed, a board opportunities job board for career advancement, and their professional resources.

If you’re curious to learn how Networked can bring your community to life, let us know. You can book a demo or try the technology by signing up.

For those who are interested in becoming part of Beyond Board – a highly curated and exclusive community of board members and board eligible executives – you can request to join here.


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